Influencer marketing evolves and matures

Influencer marketing can be a highly effective way to interact with specific target audiences and drive conversion, according to a new WARC report which observes how the channel is maturing around the world.

Over the past year, senior marketers like Keith Weed, formerly of Unilever, have expressed concerns about certain aspects of influencer marketing – like the buying of followers – but an assessment of the winning entries to the 2018 WARC Media Awards highlights how effective this approach can be when executed well.

Influencers in the media mix: Lessons from the 2018 WARC Media Awards notes that influencer marketing helps brands communicate authentically with elusive customers, especially younger age groups.

Lees dit artikel op WARC



Hoe zet je loyale klanten aan tot online word of mouth?

We denken vaak dat merktrouw hand in hand gaat met (positieve) word of mouth (WOM). Uit ons onderzoek, over fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), blijkt dat loyale klanten vooral offline, in gesprekken van persoon tot persoon, over hun favoriete merk praten (persoonlijke WOM), terwijl dat online veel minder of helemaal niet gebeurt (elektronische WOM, eWOM).

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